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Two Iraqi journalists killed in suicide attack west of Baghdad

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Iraqi television channel al-Baghdadiya says that two of it's journalists were amongst the 33 Iraqis killed in a suicide attack today. They were covering reconciliation meeting taking place in Abu Ghraib, west of Baghdad.

Al-Iraqiya, the state funded Iraqi television channel says one of its correspondents has been seriously injured in that attack as well. There are reports of other injured journalists but not as serious as the Iraqyia reporter who had neck and head injuries.

The killed journalists are cameraman Haider Hashim Suhail and reporter Suhaib Adnan.

Incidentally, you might find the name of the television station is ringing a faint bell.. That's because of this. The two killed journalists work for the same station Muntadhar al Zeidi works for, al-Baghdadyia.

And while we've mentioned al-Zeidi it seems a demonstration by his supporters and family that was supposed to take place at al-Firdaws square was not allowed to take place today. The reason according to police is that they haven't applied for a permit. Zeidi's brother says they had but go no response for days. That story didn't get a mention in any of the main TV news broadcasts by the way.



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