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Nick Kristof makes Cambodian visit

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I had the privilege to meet New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof this past weekend, as he was inaugurating the school he and his family donated in Prey Veng province. (Full disclosure: the school building program is part of an NGO chaired by my boss.)

Kristof has reached this blessed position where he actually gets paid to write his opinion and doesn't have to check his every word for potential bias. I don't know a single journalist who hasn't, at least once, envied this position.


Meeting him reminded me of this point I've so often made in private conversations, and that I now feel should be made publicly (albeit not very eloquently because I'm still recovering from New Year's Eve). I often feel that journalists (maybe myself included, unvoluntarily) have been so hurt by accusations of bias, are so afraid of their stories appearing one-sided, that they're afraid of saying things as they are. Calling a cat "a cat" as we say in France. As someone commented on Kristof's blog (I can't find it now), the New York Times won't even call water-boarding torture, resorting instead to an easy out ("which many consider to be torture"). Case in point.

IMG_4259.jpgSo reading Nick Kristof's columns is a breath of fresh air, even if I do sometimes agree with the critics and suspect that his political opinions and advocacy objectives can occasionally warp his reporting behind the columns. I like to read someone who calls the evils of the world what they are, even if, sure, nuance here and there could help. After all, his job is somewhere between journalism and advocacy so he gets to. And someone's got to. So meeting him was a pleasure and an honor, and I couldn't resist getting a photo together. (I managed to resist with a room full or rock stars last month so that's high praise.)


What do you think?