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Foreign minister's memorial

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Radoslaw Sikorski, Poland's Foreign minister, is in Afghanistan agreeing aid deals with Hamid Karzai's government. He also unveiled a plaque in honour of his friend, Andy Skrzypkowiak, a British war correspondent who was killed in 1987. Back then Sikorski was himself a war correspondent,
'I have the feeling I'm paying off a debt to my friend. We met before I left for Afghanistan. Andy gave me several contacts with the Afghan resistance movement and in 1987 we both set out on long jouneys through the occupied country. I went to Herat, he travelled to Panshir. I came back. He didn't.' link
UPDATE: Frontline club member Dominic Medley sends through some pictures taken by the Polish Defence Attache from the unveiling ceremony in Afghanistan. Thanks Dominic.

1 Comment

oan | June 6, 2008 2:07 PM

The Polish FM has also mentioned that he wishes to see Gulbaddin Hykmatyar, a well-known war criminal being brought to justice, and he also added that he knows Hekmatyar was involved in the case of Andy as well as another BBC journalist Mirwaise Jaleel. and this came in such a time that Mr.Bahir, the son-in-law and speaker of Hekmatyar was released from the prison just a few days ago by Afghan government! On this day, one part of news showed Polish FM asking for justice for Hekmatyar and another news showed a celebration of all Hezb-e-Islami including high ranks from government, parliament etc. for Baheer's release, btw Mullah Zaief was also a participant to this celebration!

I thought this might be an interesting part for readers of this page! I do appriciate your initiative of freelance journalism!