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The real Africa

[video:brightcove:1534611483] The Real Africa was the topic of one of the debates at the Frontline Club last week. Africa, a continent made up of 53 independent nations, and yet as moderator Joel Kibazo points out,
"If you look at it through the western media there aare the same issues and the same stories: Zimbabwe, the crisis in Darfur, the war in Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. There appears to be little mention of the Africa of spectacular mobile phone growth, the boom in private radio and television stations that have brought diversity to the media landscape... Or even the new generation of African bankers and stock brokers that are reshaping the continents financial sector." link
Taking part in the discussion are Ferial Haffajee, Editor-in-chief, Mail and Guardian newspaper in South Africa, Azubuike Ishiekwene, Executive Director of Publications for Punch Nigeria Limited and Brahima Ouedraogo, Senior Reporter with Radio Burkina.