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Beijing bashes foreign media

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After expelling the few remaining foreign journalists from Tibet last week, the Chinese government has attacked foreign media for what it sees as biased reporting. The International Herald Tribune has more,
"At a time when China is promising to become more open with the world, this is a big disappointment," said Jocelyn Ford, a freelance journalist in Beijing and chairwoman of the media freedoms committee of the Foreign Correspondents Club there. link
However, it's not all bad news. The authorities in Beijing have promised twelve journalists that they can travel to Lhasa for a "special, government-guided tour" of the city later this week which I'm sure will put everyone's minds at rest...

1 Comment

opersai | May 1, 2008 5:58 AM

a good number of them ARE biased. This week, a German media N24, even Photoshop people together in picture to "prove" Beijing wrong. So pathetic!


Scroll down for story #17

It's disgusting the so called free-speech, objective western media fall to this level.