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Missing Burmese blogger spotted

IFEX reports that a Burmese blogger has gone missing from his home in Rangoon. The blogger, Nay Phone Latt, was allegedly arrested on 29 January according to his mother, Daw Aye Aye Than. Although her son's whereabouts cannot be confirmed, eyewitness accounts on Mizzima suggest he is being held at the Ministry of Home Affairs,
NLD youth members who returned from the Ministry of Home Affairs office after four days of interrogation told Mizzima that they had seen Nay Phone Latt along with a woman at the office. "We saw Nay Myo Kyaw (Nay Phone Latt) along with a woman at the Ministry of Home Affairs office yesterday. But since we were far away we did not have the chance to talk to him," said one of the three NLD youth, who were released on Monday afternoon after being taken for interrogation on Friday. link
Nay Phone Latt blogs at http://www.nayphonelatt.blogspot.com.