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It's Not For Civvies!

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[video:youtube:Gs07W2TeF_4] Another chocolate story from the front...


Alexander | September 5, 2007 4:04 PM | Reply


Yorkie may not be for Civvies- but it also isn't for girls...

I am pretty sure you shouldn't be eating it...

Nick Jones | September 6, 2007 1:43 AM | Reply

Under the circumstances I think it's a fair one.

Keep up the good work. Great to hear what's going on.

Growth Investment | October 17, 2007 6:43 AM | Reply

I saw the movie about the chocolate not for civvies in the above youtube video. But i am not clear why it is not for the civvies. Can anybody explain me? Thank you for these information.

Gary | October 21, 2007 8:39 PM | Reply

Growth Investment:

The chocolate has a different formula to normal yorkie bars, increasing its energy output and colorie count.

There is nothing dangerous, or any real reason why, It's just a play on the normal slogan.

By the way, WAH!


Close Protection | January 20, 2008 3:36 PM | Reply

Good old yorkie, wonder if they'll ever get sued haha

Tom | June 29, 2008 5:11 PM | Reply

If anyone wants to try the "Not for Civvies" Yorkie bar and see what is different you can buy them off ebay by typing in Military Issue Yorkie Bars.

Tori | November 11, 2008 7:29 PM | Reply

I have reason to believe the not for civvies version is also "not for girls" simply because it's supposed to like... stop arousal... or something... my friend told me... and he's in the army... apparently they used to put whatever it is that stops the arousal in the tea, but not everyone drinks that so they changed it... but who knows really...

What do you think?