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The life of a journalist is quite lonely

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MB_Congo_2007_021_wee.jpg Marcus Bleasdale, photojournalist, Frontline Club member and regular on this blog, talks in the Daily Telegraph about how he got into photojournalism in his late twenties after a successful career in banking. Fascinating to hear more about his path into photography and how working the war zone beat has changed him. What with the banking sector dissolving in a acid bath of bad debt, I do wonder how many other bankers are inspired after reading about Marcus's change of direction,
On one occasion he saw 16 child­ren under two shot dead. 'It's not easy to come back from Congo and fit back into normal life,' he says. Otherwise, it is the camaraderie of banking that he misses most. 'You get it if you hit a war zone and everyone is there together and you meet everybody in the bar in the evening. But the life of a journalist is quite lonely.' link

1 Comment

kamini.solanki | March 4, 2009 8:35 PM

Hi Marcus,

It's quite interesting to know inspite of a successful career in banking, you chose to do something different. Well, I too had a good career in Dubai with one of the bank's in Treasury dept. to be honest, felt saturated and thought of doing my MA in International Journalsim at University College Falmouth, Cornwall.
It just shows that one can go for a career change and yet can be successful.
