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Media victory in Iraq

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Sociologist Andrew M. Lindner writes in the latest issue of the American Sociological Association’s Context magazine about his findings on how the media reported, and continue to report, the Iraq war. He says, the dearth of embedded reporting effectively gave an Iraq "media victory" for the Bush Administration,
“The embedded program proved to be a Pentagon victory because it kept reporters focused on the horrors facing the troops, not the horrors of the civilian war experience,” said Lindner, who is completing his doctoral dissertation at Penn State University. “The end result: a communications victory for an administration that hoped to build support for the war by depicting it as a successful mission with limited cost. link
The results are based upon analysis of 742 news articles written by 156 English-language print reporters in Iraq during the first six weeks of the war. Lindner's full original article appears here.

1 Comment

Hal Morris | May 16, 2008 5:56 PM

When a reporter is embedded with a military unit, naturally the emphasis and quotes will be linked to soldiers. As a prime example, noted WWII reporter Ernie Pyle described foxhole views of the fears and daily strife of front-line soldiers, not the horrors enemy civilians faced.