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A short guide to Iraq

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In 1943 the American military issued a pamphlet to guide their soldiers in Iraq. The GI Pamphlet blog discovered a copy in an old trunk and has re-published it in full,
We found this historical gem in an old trunk which was crammed with my mother’s World War II keepsakes. As a US Marine lieutenant, Grace Finley taught recruits at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina and Quantico, Virginia. Tucked away with her brass-buttoned dress white uniforms was a slim booklet that outlined in 1943 what to expect in Iraq. link
Feral Beast describes the pamhlet as "a gentle I-told-you-so from the grave. Quite sobering."


poetryman69 | March 19, 2008 10:51 AM

For those who missed it, the rising cost of fuel is yet another sign of a Bush Cheney Mission Accomplished. What mission was that you ask? Why the mission was to create record profits for Bush's old oil buddies and Cheny's old corporate buddies. Why do they think the Bush administration went all the way to the supreme court and invoked executive privilege to keep Cheney's secret deals a secret? So when someone tells you Bush's legacy is just torture and lying about it you tell them: hogwash. For the first time in history an American president has started a war for the sole purpose of raising corporate and oil profits and it worked! There's your legacy! In my humble opinion.

Vic Womax | June 13, 2008 10:01 AM

Great to be able to read this original and old fashioned booklet online before heading off to Baggers. (It's full size if you click on the images.) Ta.