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Burma cuts the net

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But, The Irrawaddy continues to get information out from sources on the ground (I've added relevant links)
Rangoon; Afternoon—Trucks loaded with troops raided the offices of Burma's main Internet service provider, Myanmar Info-Tech, located at Rangoon University (Hlaing campus) around noon on Friday in an effort to cut all public access to the internet. The move is in response to the flood of photographs, videos, news reports and e-mail sent out of the country to the international media and the rest of the world by average citizens. Downtown Rangoon; Afternoon—At least two people were hit by gunfire when military troops opened fire on demonstrators on Friday afternoon in Kyauktada Township in central Rangoon, according to a witness, who said she narrowly escaped by hiding under a vehicle. She said the demonstrators were boxed in between Anawrahta Road and Maha Bandoola Road. Dozens of protesters were arrested, bound and beaten. The troops pursued fleeing people into buildings, she said, singling out people with cameras. If they were arrested, the troops beat them while shouting, “Is it you who sends those pictures out?” Rangoon, 12:30p.m.—Burmese authorities announced they are to make house-by-house calls on homes in the area round the Sule Pagoda in downtown Rangoon, checking on residents. The Sule Pagoda is a rallying point of the demonstrations rocking Rangoon, and many protesters seek shelter in nearby homes. Residents were warned by loudspeaker on Friday morning to remain at home while the check takes place. link

1 Comment

Free Burma! | October 1, 2007 1:33 PM

Free Burma!

International Bloggers' Day for Burma on the 4th of October

International bloggers are preparing an action to support the peaceful revolution in Burma. We want to set a sign for freedom and show our sympathy for these people who are fighting their cruel regime without weapons. These Bloggers are planning to refrain from posting to their blogs on October 4 and just put up one Banner then, underlined with the words „Free Burma!“.
