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A Tale of Two Mayors: Who is the Mayor of London?

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If I am not mistaken, then I think that the Mayor of London is ought to be Boris Johnson nowadays. Without checking any online news or information sources, looking up any official websites - I can recall that it should be Boris Johnson.

I clearly remember when he was elected - people were talking  whether he could oust Ken Livingstone from the office, what an extravagant person would rule London, and how he was in fact of a Turkish descent - his great-grandfather or so was a top Ottoman official brought down from a train and lynched by an angry mob for his cooperation with the British.

Well, it seems that I am mistaken! Because, according to Azeri media, the Mayor of London Ian Luder is currently visiting Baku and holding meetings with government officials:

The Public Television of Azerbaijan reports that "Mayor of London is in Baku with official visit" - moreover, "the Mayor of London is accompanying representatives of fourteen leading companies in different fields of financial sector". Here is private Khazar TV reporting the news - "Mayor of London in Baku" and "The President has received the Mayor of London". And of course, Azeri Press Agency:

“The United Kingdom and Azerbaijan value each other as a long-term partner”, said Mayor of London Alderman Ian Luder at the press conference on the results of his visit to Baku, APA reports.

1 Comment

Christine Chau | July 23, 2009 9:50 AM

Maybe this helps ... Ian Luder is the Lord Mayor of London and Boris Johnson is Mayor of London. For an explanation of their roles see: http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/Corporation/LGNL_Services/Council_and_democracy/Councillors_democracy_and_elections/The_Lord_Mayor/mayoroflondon.htm