War book frenzy

The Press Gazette alerts us to a rabid battle being played out at the war end of the Amazon book charts,

It’s hack vs. hack in the book charts at the moment, with a battalion of war reporters piling out new books on Iraq and Afghanistan.
Veteran war correspondent Patrick Bishop has written 3 Para, about the Paras’ hot arrival in Helmand Province. This was followed a few days later by Sniper One, the extraordinary story of a modern-day Rorke’s Drift at an Iraq outpost, ghost-written by Tom Newton Dunn, The Sun’s defence editor.
Soon to follow is Sean Rayment’s (Sunday Telegraph’s defence correspondent) Afghan account, which should make good reading, as well as one by The Independent’s security man, Kim Sengupta.
Peeping at the Amazon book chart, Newton Dunn is in the lead at the moment, occupying the commendable number 37 spot and breaking into the Sunday Times bestseller list at number 10. Keep ’em coming, chaps! link

He ain’t 37 no more, 42 on Amazon as I blog. More military reading fodder here.
