Rod Nordland

Monday 22 February 2016, 7:00 PM

BookNight with Rod Nordland

For February’s BookNight we are delighted to welcome Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist and Frontline Club member Rod Nordland to present his latest book, The Lovers. Afghanistan’s Romeo and Juliet, the true story of how they defied their families and escaped an honour killing. This is a riveting, real-life equivalent of The Kite Runner and an astonishingly powerful and moving portrayal that puts a human face to the ongoing debate about women’s rights in the Muslim world.

March 1, 2007

Inside Out – March 07

When Gary Knight and Rod Nordland appeared at the Frontline Club in February, they were just back from a Newsweek assignment in Darfur. Gary’s pictures and Rod’s narrative reminded us what a humanitarian crisis Darfur remains and how the situation continues to deteriorate while the world is not watching. In fact, Knight and Nordland represented […]