networking party

June 11, 2012 7:00 PM

Documentary Networking Party: Distribution

In anticipation of this year’s Sheffield Doc/Fest, the biggest event in the UK’s documentary calendar, the Frontline Club is hosting a networking party for documentary filmmakers and those working in distribution and production.
With drinks sponsored by Chivas Regal, the party will include a short panel discussion on how you can get your documentary distributed and how to get the most out of an industry festival like Sheffield.

July 21, 2011

Photography Networking Party- Who gets the credit?

By organising this photography networking event the Frontline Club proved it had its finger firmly on the pulse of the industry, as the brief Q&A session highlighted the ever growing distance between image creators and those who make decisions about their publication.

October 19, 2010

A week of debate, insight and parties in the Forum

Does the Demotix citizen journalism agency offer a model for the future or will it simply undercut the professionals? Love them or hate them, Demotix has made its mark on the industry. Our networking party tonight offers the opportunity to meet Demotix CEO Turi Munthe and hear about their work as well as network and […]