Mil Blogs

June 4, 2008

Picture blogging to support the troops

I try to read a fair few blogs so every now and then it’s refreshing not to have to trawl through pages and pages of writing. Military Motivator is one of the blogs I like ‘looking at’ rather than reading. I got in contact with the author of the blog to see how it started. […]

May 24, 2008

Home Front

Today, I came across a blog written by the wife of a member of the Royal Marines. She’s been blogging since 2006. Her husband has already completed one tour of Afghanistan since she started writing and he is due to start another six-month deployment in September. Her blog provides an insight into the ups and […]

May 13, 2008

Some frontline views from the US milblogs

Here’s a selection of recent posts from the US milblogging community about life on the frontline. 1. Compassion Fatigue – Capt Beau Cleland in Iraq: ‘I’ve come to the conclusion that this place has so much suffering, so many problems, that if I internalize them I’m just going to mess myself up mentally and emotionally.’ […]

May 1, 2008

Negotiating to stay on the Web: the experience of The Destroyermen

My first post described how an RAF technician in Afghanistan became so concerned about the potential impact of his blog that he decided to close it down. He had been blogging without permission and deleted his blog after senior commanders became aware of its existence. At the end of the post, I posed a question […]

April 30, 2008

Introducing ‘Kaboom: A Soldier’s War Journal’

I mentioned this blog in passing in yesterday’s post. But it deserves a proper mention and I thoroughly recommend it to Frontline readers. Kaboom: A soldier’s war journal is written by ‘LT G’. He’s serving with the US Army in Iraq and is stationed in a place he calls Anu al-Verona. As far as I’m […]

April 29, 2008

RAF technician deletes blog after criticising Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Afghanistan

I used to follow a blog about the life of an RAF technician who services Chinook helicopters. He called himself ‘Sensei Katana’ and was deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan in January. Just over a month later his blog disappeared without warning and now all you see when you visit his website is this. According to the […]