Kurt Schork

November 14, 2007

2007 Kurt Schork Awards in International Journalism

Just in case it had slipped your notice, but tonight the Frontline Club will be hosting the 2007 Kurt Schork Awards in International Journalism, This year’s winners are the late Sahar Al-Haideri, an Iraqi freelance journalist and IWPR trainee who paid the ultimate price for her commitment to journalism – and German freelancer Mario Kaiser […]

May 1, 2007

Another bloody love letter

The Balkans international press corps in the nineties had its fair share of haunted characters. Sitting around in Sarajevo or Vitez of an evening as slivovitz melted inhibitions and loosened tongues it seemed that almost everyone present was on the run from something. Even among this slightly self-conscious Legion of the Damned Anthony Loyd stood […]