
February 20, 2013

Coding & data journalism resources for journalists

Here are several free resources that could be useful for journalists interested in online media.

October 9, 2011

Coding for Journalists Sunday Course

This one day course will begin a series of courses expanding upon common coding required throughout journalism and publishing. The course will cover the basics of the following languages in the context of online publishing: HTML CSS PHP and basic Javascript The course will also explore the various online media tools most useful to journalism […]

August 20, 2011

FULLY BOOKED: Coding for Journalists Saturday Course – WordPress

This one day course will look in-depth at WordPress as a tool for journalists. The course will cover setting up WordPress in different ways, creating and adapting design elements and integrating plugins and elements to create a site. What We Will Cover: * The difference between and Installing your own: What you can/can’t do. * […]