September 26, 2014

ISIS is here for a generation

By Richard Nield The threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and the international network of militants it has spawned will be with us for a “generation”, according to experts speaking at the Frontline Club on Wednesday 24 September 2014.

Wednesday 24 September 2014, 7:00 PM

From Al Qaeda to ISIS: Terrorists Tactics

Thirteen years on from the 9/11 terrorist attack on the US by Al Qaeda, how has the organisation evolved around the world and what are its links with developing groups such a ISIS and al-Shabaab? A panel of experts will be joining us to examine the tactics and strategies these affiliated groups have developed and what is being done to combat them.

June 26, 2014

Iraq on the Brink

By Elliott Goat “This started before Maliki and will go on long after Maliki.” – Hayder al-Khoei

Tuesday 24 June 2014, 7:00 PM

Iraq on the Brink

With a panel of experts we will take a view of events on the ground and the measures being taken by Iraq, its neighbours and the international community. Asking how ISIS has been able advance so quickly and what can be done to prevent further escalation of sectarian polarisation. We will also be looking at the new alliances that might be formed in this new front on the fight against extremism.

June 16, 2014

Return to Homs and the journey of two friends from pacifist protestors to rebel insurgents

By Sally Ashley-Cound Return to Homs follows two close friends and young revolutionaries as their beloved city is taken over by the army. Basset is a local football star, the goalkeeper for the Syrian national team who also became an iconic singer in the revolution, and Ossama is a media activist and pacifist. The intimate portrait shows how […]

February 20, 2014

ISIS and damage limitation in the battle for Syria

by Sally Ashley-Cound On February 19 at the Frontline Club, a panel chaired by international editor at Channel 4 News Lindsey Hilsum, discussed the current state of rebel fractions and the rise of ISIS in Syria. Hilsum started of by asking what happened to the FSA, which was so prominent during the first months of […]

Wednesday 19 February 2014, 7:00 PM

ISIS and the Battle for Syria

The uprising in Syria began as a battle between Syrians and the regime of Bashar al-Assad, but the picture in the country now is much more complicated. As fighting between the Syrian opposition and al-Qaeda affiliated groups intensifies we will be bringing together a panel to offer a picture of what is happening on the ground in Syria. We will be looking at groups involved, how they have developed and their power and influence in the country and further afield.