
September 13, 2011

Multimedia storytelling – have we seen the future of journalism?

By Antje Bormann Could Multimedia Story-telling be the new journalism? Who are its clients and how can it work commercially? Brian Storm, founder and executive producer of multimedia production studio MediaStorm, came up with some assured answers during a most informative and positive presentation about journalism and its future at the Frontline Club. Storm touched upon some […]

September 1, 2011

Optimism is a “duty” if the Egyptian revolution is going to succeed

If you want to take part in further discussion about the revolutions in the Middle East and their impact on Western policy, come along to our FIRST WEDNESDAY SPECIAL: Changing world – conflict, culture and terrorism in the 21st century on Wednesday, 7 September. Video streaming by Ustream There has not yet been a full […]

August 17, 2011

That back to school feeling: talks and screenings to feed your mind in September

There are plenty of talks and screenings at Frontline Club in September to get the grey matter going after the summer season.  At our First Wednesday Special, discuss the cultural and political changes set in motion by the events of 9/11 ten years ago and look ahead to the next decade. We’ll also be discussing extremism, Somalia, photography in […]