
October 18, 2007

Lady of the Barricade

As exciting and glamorous a companion as you could hope for while travelling down a deserted road toward a smoking horizon, in many respects Alexandra Boulat epitomised the image of the woman photojournalist. French, tall, straight-backed, graceful, striking; she never conducted herself with anything less than poise and style. Brave and funny, her legendary moods […]

October 16, 2007

In Memoriam: Alex Boulat

So we hugged and kissed and promised one anotherWe’d meet up in some shit-hole soon.She came out into the chill night to say how much she’d appreciated the number who had turned out, that I’d been able to come.I touched her hand and we parted – Forever it would seem…. Never again, that joyous smile, […]