Alex Thomson

Monday 7 October 2013, 8:00 PM

War Correspondents on the Road at the Century Club

This event is organised by FFR (Frontline Freelance Register) and RISC (Reporters Instructed in Saving Colleagues), all ticket money will go towards their work supporting freelance journalists. It will take place at the Century Club.

May 30, 2013

Reflections with Alex Thomson

By Caroline Schmitt ‘Reflections’ at the Frontline Club brings well known journalists to the stage to look back on their careers. Incorporating video clips, still images and articles selected by them, the host Vin Ray describes it as “a cross between Desert Island Discs and This is your Life”.  It is held in association with the BBC […]

Wednesday 29 May 2013, 7:00 PM

Reflections with Alex Thomson

Newly crowned RTS Television Journalist of the Year, Alex Thomson was described as “without question one of the UK’s leading correspondents”. He will be joining Vin Ray in conversation to reflect on a career that has seen him spend 22 years at Channel 4 News covering 20 wars across the Gulf, the Balkans, Africa and Afghanistan, as well as presenting the programme.

March 16, 2010

‘A sort of extreme camping trip with people trying to kill you’

Cameraman Stuart Webb describes his experience of being on patrol with the Coldstream Guards in Afghanistan. He was working for Channel 4 News with Alex Thomson. The pair came under fire as they moved along a ditch with the Guards…   "As-live" Twitter reportage Alex Thomson’s report from Babaji in Helmand was broadcast on Channel […]