Get your Frontline
This blog will focus on the lives of Frontline Club members, foreign correspondents, war reporters, interested and disgruntled parties from around the world. One day we might have an in-depth interview with a reporter in Moldova, or taking a swipe at the crumbiest bar in Bogota, the following night we’ll be gossiping about something he-said-she-said in Santiago. In short – everything goes. We’ll have the news of who’s doing what, where, when and why. Where they’re staying, where they’re not staying. Where they’re eating, what they’re eating and what the consequences were. This blog will connect you with the eyes and ears on the ground.
And we won’t just be blasting you blog style. Oh no, no, no… We’re coming at you with each and every social media gun blazing. There’s the growing Frontline network and with our frontline blog twitter feed, we’re right down with the kids. I’ll occasionally twitter live from Frontline Club events in London, and I’ll twitter your attention to stories and events around the globe. Our Twitter feed also enables you to receive real time notificiation whenever any of our blogs are updated, or any events are announced – all delivered direct to your mobile phone, the web, Skype or other Instant messenger. So, whether Vaughan is freakin’ out over a camel spider in Afghanistan, or Ben is flossing his teeth in Manilla, you’ll know about it – as it happens… All Frontline Club blogs also come with an RSS feed – see the right hand column on any blog page to subscribe.
We’ll also be feeding pictures from Frontline members and events at the club to our Frontline Club Flickr group. We very much want you to sign up to Flickr and upload your own pictures to our group.
We also have a frontline account., for those of you who don’t know, is an excellent social bookmarking service. It allows us to network with other Frontline members, journalists and bloggers to share research in a very let’s all hold hands, put flowers in our hair and make love not war manner.
Keeping true to the memory of the beginnings of the club, we’ve also set up a channel on YouTube. It’s called FromTheFrontline and it will be used by members to broadcast video. Some of it will feature on the From the Frontline blogs, as some of it already has, and on the main Frontline Club website. If you sign up to YouTube, you can subscribe to the FromThe Frontline channel and upload your own videos.
All of the above are free. All are to easy to sign up to, easy to use and all will get you very much involved with the club, and the wider foreign correspondent/war reporter/blogger community, en direct. If you have any questions about the blogs or how to use any of these free services, leave a comment or drop me an email. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the ride.