
November 10, 2010 7:00 PM

In The Picture: Afghanistan with Adam Ferguson

Adam Ferguson is an up and coming star in the world of photojournalism. His photograph of the aftermath of a suicide bombing in Kabul won him first prize in the Spot News category at the World Press Photo Awards this year. Ferguson will be speaking at the Frontline Club about his work in Afghanistan, his successes to date and his plans for the future.

November 9, 2010 7:00 PM

Insight with Tariq Ali: The Obama Syndrome

Two years since the White House changed hands, how has the American empire altered? Very little, argues Tariq Ali, apart from the mood music. Ali will be at the Frontline Club in conversation with Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst, Marwan Bishara, to discuss his new book The Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, War Abroad in which he slices through Obama-mania, demystifying the narrative arc of redemption.

November 3, 2010 7:00 PM

First Wednesday: US midterms – the reckoning and Yemen, what happens next?

Another opportunity to join in a lively public meeting, hosted by Paddy O’Connell of BBC Radio 4’s Broadcasting House, which brings together experts and commentators and mixes their views with contributions from our audience.

November 2, 2010 7:00 PM

Insight with Gareth Peirce: Dispatches from the Dark Side

Gareth Peirce is an acclaimed human rights lawyer who has appeared for the Birmingham Six, the family of Jean Charles de Menezes and Moazzam Begg, amongst many others. Peirce will be at the Frontline Club in conversation with the Guardian’s legal affairs correspondent Afua Hirsch. She will be discussing her work and Dispatches from the Dark Side: On Torture and the Death of Justice, her new comprehensive set of essays which analyses the corruption of legal principles and practices in both the US and the UK.

October 27, 2010 7:00 PM

What now for the international development budget?

In the first of a series of events looking at international development and the aid industry we will be examining the UK international development budget and the implications for foreign aid. What is the coalition government’s policy towards the development budget and what impact will the proposed changes have on countries around the world?

October 26, 2010 7:00 PM

Paul Mason in conversation with Sir David Hare: Has capitalism learned its lesson?

Join us for what should prove to be a fascinating discussion between BBC Newsnight’s Paul Mason and acclaimed playwright Sir David Hare, whose recent play The Power of Yes wrestled with the causes of the 2008 financial crisis.

October 20, 2010 7:00 PM

In the Picture: Teun Voeten’s Tunnel People

Teun Voeten is an acclaimed war photographer who decided to live for five months in a tunnel underneath Manhattan’s well-healed Upper West Side. The eclectic mix of people he lived with underground form the basis of his book Tunnel People.

October 13, 2010 7:00 PM

Fully Booked- The New Nobility: Russia’s Secret Services Revealed

The FSB, Russia’s replacement for the KGB, has accumulated powerful backers and increasing authority ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Co-authors of a new book entitled The New Nobility, Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan, will be at the Frontline Club to discuss Russia’s shadowy security services with Susan Richards of Open Democracy.

October 7, 2010 7:00 PM

In the Picture Exclusive with John G Morris: Never Again?

John G. Morris, LIFE magazine’s London Picture Editor on D-Day, who famously saved Robert Capa’s pictures of the landing on Omaha Beach, will discuss what we have learned from viewing images of war using recently released LIFE pictures of the aftermath of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

October 6, 2010 7:00 PM

First Wednesday: The looming power shift in North Korea and the nuclear threat beyond

View in iTunes Little is known about Kim Jong-il’s youngest son Kim Jong Un but his promotion to North Korea’s powerful defence commission is being interpreted as a clear sign that he is being groomed to be his father’s heir. If Kim Jong-il is paving the way for a handover of power to a third […]

October 5, 2010 7:00 PM

Ten years since Milosevic: His wars and legacy

When the Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic was ousted from power it brought to an end a 13-year rule that had seen the country torn apart by bloody conflict, with thousands of people killed. Ten years after the October 5th revolution we will be bringing together journalists, fillmmakers and experts who were there to discuss these remarkable events and their impact.

September 21, 2010 7:00 PM

The US midterm elections: What’s at stake?

Join us at the Frontline Club where we will be looking ahead to the midterm elections and the next two years for President Obama’s in the White House with congressional scholar, Professor Thomas Mann, an expert on campaigns, elections and the effectiveness of Congress.

September 16, 2010 7:00 PM

Should human rights be at the heart of climate change policy?

What will be the impact of climate change on the world’s poorest people? Can climate change rights violations can be remedied in courts of law? Join us at the Frontline Club in the last of three events in association with Communications INC to discuss the relationship between human rights and climate change.

September 7, 2010 7:00 PM

Joumana Haddad in conversation with Jeremy Bowen: Confessions of an angry Arab woman

The West’s perception of Arab women has become increasingly associated with the victim, oppression and the veil. This simplified view angers Joumana Haddad who as a poet, writer and journalist has fought against over-simplistic stereotypes of the Arab woman. She will be at the Frontline Club in conversation with BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen to discuss this and her new book I Killed Scheherazade: Confessions of an Angry Arab Woman.

September 1, 2010 7:00 PM

First Wednesday: Natural disaster and political turmoil in Pakistan

Paddy O’Connell of BBC Radio 4’s Broadcasting House will be in the chair as the Frontline Club’s First Wednesday discussions return after a summer break. These lively public meetings bring together experts and commentators and mix their views with contributions from our audience.

August 27, 2010 7:00 PM

Vietnam: A turning point for reporting war

A special event about reporting from Vietnam with some of the giants of war reporting including Jon Swain, Michael Nicholson and Patrick Chauvel.

August 25, 2010 8:20 PM

Gideon Levy in conversation with Jon Snow

On route to Edinburgh Literary Festival Gideon Levy will be joining us at the Frontline Club in conversation with Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow. He will be discussing recent developments in the Middle East and his book The Punishment of Gaza. In which he documents Israel’s 2005 withdrawal from Gaza and charts the events leading up to the assault of 2009.

August 24, 2010 7:00 PM

POSTPONED: From budget cuts to riots in the street: How will Britain react to government spending cuts?

After the recession, now come the cuts. The UK is facing some of the most stringent public sector budget cuts since the Second World War. Will the UK population accept the austerity measures being ushered in or take to the streets to oppose them? Are scenes similar to those in Greece likely in our cities?

August 18, 2010 7:00 PM

After the troops have gone: What now for Iraq?

After seven years, billions of dollars, as many as 100,000 civilian deaths and more than 4,000 US troops killed – President Barack Obama is finally pulling US troops out of Iraq. Following Barack Obama’s recent statement confirming the end of US combat operations in Iraq, we will be debating the implications for the Iraqi people and the soldiers that serve there.

August 17, 2010 7:00 PM

Can unarmed people still change the world?

Can everyday people change the world? With conflicts raging across the world and European governments imposing stringent austerity measures, people are wondering more and more how they can play a role in shaping their future.

August 12, 2010 7:00 PM

POSTPONED Where do we go from here? – The closure of the UK Film Council

On July 26th culture secretary Jeremy Hunt announced the abolition of the UK Film Council. Created in 2000 the UKFC has invested more than £160 million of Lottery money in over 900 films. Receiving £30 million a year from the Lottery and around £25.5 million from the Government the council has seen successes such as […]

August 12, 2010 7:00 PM

The data revolution: How WikiLeaks is changing journalism

Download this episode View in iTunes The controversy surrounding WikiLeaks’ historic release of more than 70,000 classified US military documents on the war in Afghanistan has not died down. But one thing is certain: online data and its dissemination is changing journalism and the relationship betwen public and power. In this special event, we ask: […]

August 10, 2010 7:00 PM

Online Protest: power to the people?

View in iTunes Social media has opened up new ways for people to communicate, organise and campaign. But in what ways are people using social media for political ends? Looking at examples from around the world we will be examining the ways in which new tools are being used and the ways they have been […]

July 28, 2010 7:00 PM

Israel and Palestine: Combatants for Peace

Can Israelis and Palestinians work together for peace? Four men who believe that they can will be at the Frontline Club to describe their journeys from division and violence towards non-violence.

July 27, 2010 7:00 PM

FULLY BOOKED Special event: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange at the Frontline Club

Part 1 Part 2 View in iTunes Following the release of more than 90,000 classified military documents on whistle-blowing site Wikileaks on Sunday, founder Julian Assange will be taking part in a special event at the Frontline Club this Tuesday evening. Assange will be talking about the impact of the documents that were released in […]

July 23, 2010 7:00 PM

Rebecca Peyton: ‘Sometimes I Laugh Like My Sister’

On 10 February 2005 BBC journalist Kate Peyton was murdered in Mogadishu, Somalia. Kate Peyton’s younger sister Rebecca Peyton will be at the Frontline Club to perform her one-woman show, which invites us into her post-Kate world: a life that is changed forever, but it goes on.

July 21, 2010 7:00 PM

Focus on Iran: Detainment and conviction

Join us at the Frontline Club to examine the situation for foreigners and Iranians that are detained and convicted in Iran. Should the international community be putting more pressure on the Iranian government to justify their actions?

July 20, 2010 7:00 PM

America’s invisible government: can a President take it on and win?

Are there forces at work that are so institutionally powerful that they can shape one administration after another irrespective of whether it is Republican or Democratic?Russ Baker’s Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years uncovers the connections between the Bush family; their presidencies, the military, the oil industry, Wall Street and the CIA and the implications for the current president, Barack Obama, and his potential to implement true reform.

July 19, 2010 8:20 PM

SOLD OUT Reflections: Jon Snow

In association with the BBC College of Journalism, the Frontline Club is bringing top journalists who are expert in their field and craft, to talk about their stories and the journalism that has shaped their careers.
In the fifth of this series Vin Ray, former BBC executive will be in conversation with Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow.

July 13, 2010 7:00 PM

The Politics of Oil

The Gulf of Mexico spill has put the spotlight on the oil industry and its practices to an unprecedented degree.
Join us at the Frontline Club where we will be discussing BP and the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion that has resulted in an estimated 5,000 barrels of oil a day spilling into the sea: what are the implications not only for BP’s future but also for the oil industry?