Back from Karabakh
After several days fixing for the BBC for a report on Armenia-Turkey relations and the conflict with Azerbaijan over the breakaway territory of Nagorny Karabakh, a photo commission from The National newspaper saw me return to the same topics no sooner had that work finished.
There’s much to be said about both subjects and not least because the two are now very definitely interlinked, but I’ll save that for a later post on this blog.
Meanwhile, The National will likely start publication of a series of articles from as early as next week. In fact there should be quite a few articles and features penned by The National’s Daniel Bardsley with accompanying photos by yours truly.
Until then, two images from last week’s visit to Nagorny Karabakh on a subject I’ve also covered extensively in the past in articles such as this as well as on my blogs here and here — the danger of landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO).
Photos: HALO Trust detonation of UXO, Askeran, Nagorny Karabakh (Top), mine casualty, Amaras, Nagorny Karabakh (Bottom) © Onnik Krikorian for The National.