SOLD OUT: Special Screening – 10 Tactics

Screening Friday 4th December, 2009

“Info-activism is about turning information into action”

10 tactics for turning information into action includes stories from more than 35 rights advocates around the world who have successfully used information and digital technologies to create positive change.

The film includes the story of Noha Atef whose blog,, has led to the release of illegally detailed prisoners in Egypt. Sami Ben Gharbia, explains how activists upset the government in Tunisia when they used Google Earth and Google Maps to highlight stories of rights abuses. Dale Kongmont reveals how he uses video karaoke and YouTube in Cambodia to spread the word about the mistreatment and rights of sex workers in Asia. Dina Mehta, from India, explains what it was like to be part of an online group that worked via Twitter to get blood donors and other essential support to hospitals during the Mumbai Terror attacks.

These stories are compelling, moving and most of all deeply inspiring. 

Host: Darius Cuplinskas, the director of the Information Programme at the Open Society Institute

Jack Thurston who features in the film. Jack is the Executive Director of EU Transparency, and co-founder of
Sameer Padania who works at the human rights organisation WITNESS, where he runs the Hub, the first website dedicated to human rights video and action.