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Croatia Car bomb kills Nacional editor

Ivo Pukanić, the editor of the Nacional Magazine, and the publication's marketing executive Niko Franić, were killed when a car bomb exploded in the coutyard of the magazine's offices on Palmoticeva Street in central Zagreb yesterday evening,
“I heard a terrible explosion and shaking, at first I thought it was an earthquake, I have not heard anything like it since 1995, when a bomb fell in front of my jewellery shop. Me and my friend immediately came outside and literally after a few minutes the police started to arrive. After that I saw the news and I can only say that I feel sorry for Pukanic, and I also park my car near where the bomb exploded” said the owner of the jewellery shop MM that is in Draskoviceva Street. link via Headlinenews
In April there was an attempt to assassinate Pukanić. The Police protection which followed was cancelled at the beginning of August. Picture taken from The Times. There's more on Croatian TV (in Croatian).